Estimation of the exposure of the French population to the BSE agent: comparison of the 1980-95 consumption of beef products containing mechanically recovered meat in France and the UK, by birth cohort and gender

Assuming that human exposure to BSE was through beef mechanically recovered meat (MRM) consumed as burgers and other meat products, we estimated the French consumption of different food items containing beef MRM, and compared these consumptions for French and British populations. To estimate consumption of meat products containing bovine MRM, we used dietary data from national individual and household food surveys conducted between 1980 and 1995. After reconciliation of consumption data between the available surveys and calendar year adjustments, we simulated consumption of one-thousandth of the French population. Consumption was estimated by birth cohort and gender, and for the periods 1980-89 and 1990-95 separately. Data showed that burgers (including manufactured minced meat) represented around 75-80% of the individual consumption of meat products containing MRM, and that consumption of burgers increased by 40% over the 1980-95 period. In all age groups, consumption was higher in males than in females....
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