The effectiveness of Think Pair Share in Teaching Speaking atthe seventh grade students of Uttayan Suksa Krabi Junior High SchoolThailand

Speaking is the main skill in language, including in English. It has important role in the human life. People around the world can exchange anything by communication through speaking. Speaking is a skill to express and convey ideas or feelings verbally. In the speaking learning process, the researcher found that many English as Foreign Langauge (EFL) students are still low in speaking. It was supported by teaching strategy that applied by English teacher did not run well and the goal was not reached. Strategy that is used by English teacher in the class influences the students‟ achievement. English teacher must be smart in choosing a strategy that will be applied in the class. The aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of think Pair share in Teaching speaking at the seventh grade students of Mattayum Uttayan Suksa Krabi School Thailand. The design of this research was quasi-experimental design. The population was the students of class VII in Mattayum Uttayan Suksa Krabi School. The samples were two classes divided into experimental and control group. The experimental group was class Mattayum VIIB that consists of 34 students, meanwhile the control group was class Mattayum VIIA that consists of 34 students. The researcher used test (pre-test and post-tset) as the instrument of the research. The format of the test is oral test. It is to determine the students‟ speaking skill before and after giving treatment. The data was analyzed by using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) by SPSS 2.3 version. The result of this research showed that the data was normally distributed. It was proven by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test that the significant value (p) was (.625>.05). The Levene‟ test showed that the error variance of experimental and control group was equal or homogenous acrosss group (.670>.05). Then the result of ANCOVA showed that (p) was 0.000 (p< α 0.05). It was enough evidence to accept the alternative hypothesis. Based on the finding above, the researcher concludes that Think Pair Share is effective in teaching students‟ speaking skill.
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