J-PLUS: Tools to identify compact planetary nebulae in the Javalambre and southern photometric local universe surveys

The authors acknowledge anonymous referee for very insightful comments and for helping us to significantly improve our paper. We thank J.A. Caballero and R. Lopes de Oliveira for their useful comments and suggestions. L.A.G.S. acknowledges the support of CAPES-the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education within the Ministry of Education of Brazil. D.R.G. thanks the partial support of CNPq (grant 304184/2016-0) and S.A. acknowledges CAPES for a fellowship from the National Postdoctoral Program (PNPD). L.G. was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 839090. R.L.O. was partially supported by the Brazilian agency CNPq (PQ 302037/2015-2). This work is based on observations made with the JAST/T80 telescope at the Observatorio Astrofisico de Javalambre (OAJ), in Teruel, owned, managed and operated by the Centro de Estudios de Fisica del Cosmos de Aragon. Funding for the J-PLUS Project has been provided by the Governments of Spain and Aragon throug the Fondo de Inversiones de Teruel, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO: under grants AYA2015-66211-C2-1-P, AYA2015-66211-C2-2, AYA2012-30789 and ICTS-2009-14), and European FEDER funding (FCDD10-4E-867, FCDD13-4E-2685). The Brazilian agencies FAPESP and the National Observatory of Brazil have also contributed to this project. We acknowledge the OAJ Data Processing and Archiving Unit (UPAD) for reducing and calibrating the OAJ data used in this work. This study used data collected at the T80-South, a new 0.826 m telescope carried out by S-PLUS project. The T80-South robotic telescope (Mendes de Oliveira et al. 2019) was founded as a partnership between the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), the Observatorio Nacional (ON), the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) and the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), with important financial and practical contributions from other collaborating institutes in Brazil, Chile (Universidad de La Serena) and Spain (CEFCA). We want to thank to the S-PLUS team for the reducing and calibrating of the data. This research has made use of the HASH PN database at hashpn.space. Funding for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, and the Participating Institutions. SDSS-IV acknowledges support and resources from the Center for High-Performance Computing at the University of Utah. The SDSS web site is www.sdss.org. SDSS-IV is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS Collaboration including the Brazilian Participation Group, the Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Mellon University, the Chilean Participation Group, the French Participation Group, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, The Johns Hopkins University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU)/University of Tokyo, the Korean Participation Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Leibniz Institut fur Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), Max-Planck-Institut fur Astrophysik (MPA Garching), Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), National Astronomical Observatories of China, New Mexico State University, New York University, University of Notre Dame, Observatario Nacional / MCTI, The Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, United Kingdom Participation Group, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, University of Arizona, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Oxford, University of Portsmouth, University of Utah, University of Virginia, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University.
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