Bcl-3 inhibits lupus-like phenotypes in BL6/lpr mice.

Bcl-3 is an atypical member of the IκB family that modulates NF-κB activity in nuclei. lpr mice carry the lpr mutation in Fas, resulting in functional loss of this death receptor; they serve as models for lupus erythematosus and ALPS. To explore the biologic roles of Bcl-3 in this disease model we generated BL6/lpr mice lacking Bcl-3. Unlike lpr mice on an MRL background, BL6/lpr mice present with very mild lupus- or ALPS-like phenotypes. Bcl-3 KO BL6/lpr mice, however, developed severe splenomegaly, dramatically increased numbers of double negative T cells - a hallmark of human lupus, ALPS and MRL/lpr mice - and exhibited inflammation in multiple organs, despite low levels of autoantibodies, similar to those in BL6/lpr mice. Loss of Bcl-3 specifically in T cells exacerbated select lupus-like phenotypes, specifically organ infiltration. Mechanistically, elevated levels of Tnfα in Bcl-3 KO BL6/lpr mice may promote lupus-like phenotypes, since loss of Tnfα in these mice reversed the pathology due to loss of Bcl-3. Contrary to the inhibitory functions of Bcl-3 revealed here, this regulator has also been shown to promote inflammation in different settings. Our findings highlight the profound, yet highly context-dependent roles of Bcl-3 in the development of inflammation-associated pathology. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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