Submicron-thick yttria-stabilized zirconia coating as an advanced tritium permeation barrier

Tritium permeation through structural materials is one of the critical issues in a fusion reactor from the viewpoints of an efficient fuel cycle and radiological safety. Ceramic coatings have been studied as tritium permeation barriers and shown sufficient reduction of hydrogen isotope permeation. In high thermal efficiency liquid blanket concepts, however, not only tritium permeation but also corrosion of the structural materials by liquid tritium breeders such as lithium-lead (Li-Pb) is a serious concern. This study focuses on the fabrication of two kinds of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) coatings by metal organic decomposition and characterization through several tests such as deuterium permeation and static Li-Pb exposure. The 4 mol%-Y2O3-containing YSZ coating of less than 100 nm in thickness showed three orders of magnitude lower deuterium permeation flux than uncoated substrate after crystallization and grain growth, and the high permeation reduction performance maintained through the thermal cycle tests. The 10 mol%-Y2O3-containing YSZ coating sample showed a high permeation flux due to the defects formed during the permeation measurement. Both coatings showed compatibility with Li-Pb. A phase transformation was confirmed in the 4 mol%-Y2O3-containing YSZ coating after bending tests, suggesting that the coating sample achieved a self-repairing property. These results indicate that the 4 mol%-Y2O3-containing YSZ coating would apply to the tritium permeation barrier.
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