Generic Initial Ideals of Artinian Ideals Having Lefschetz Properties or The Strong Stanley Property

For a standard Artinian $k$-algebra $A=R/I$, we give equivalent conditions for $A$ to have the weak (or strong) Lefschetz property or the strong Stanley property in terms of the minimal system of generators of the generic initial ideal $\mathrm{gin}(I)$ of $I$ under the reverse lexicographic order. Using the equivalent condition for the weak Lefschetz property, we show that some graded Betti numbers of $\mathrm{gin}(I)$ are determined just by the the Hilbert function of $I$ if $A$ has the weak Lefschetz property. Furthermore, for the case that $A$ is a standard Artinian $k$-algebra of codimension 3, we show that every graded Betti numbers of $\mathrm{gin}(I)$ are determined by the graded Betti numbers of $I$ if $A$ has the weak Lefschetz property. And if $A$ has the strong Lefschetz (resp. Stanley) property, then we show that the minimal system of generators of $\mathrm{gin}(I)$ is determined by the graded Betti numbers (resp. by the Hilbert function) of $I$.
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