One kind is provided an implantable medical diagnostics the gasket

The present invention discloses an implantable medical diagnosis is one kind of seals is provided, comprising an implantable electronic medical unit further comprises a disk-shaped bottom shell, for accommodating the bottom case equipped with implantable electronic medical receiving cavity unit; further comprising a spacer plate for covering the opening of the bottom case; the disc-shaped separator plate is provided for placement of the antenna housing; housing further includes a cover for covering an opening in the housing; in the housing provided for letting medical implantable electronic unit and a communication antenna communicating with the outside; reasonable structure, the human body without tingling, provided reasonable internal structure, an antenna placed in a wide frequency range within which the isolation is better, high gain; provides better installation module is implantable medical diagnostics development, companies only need to be designed to present the bottom case into the shape and thickness of their size or implantable electronic medical unit will be able to achieve a better quality of communication.
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