Study on burgers vector of dislocations in KDP (010) faces and screw dislocation growth mechanism of (101) faces

We modified the conventional etching-optical method to measure dislocation direction in a KDP crystal. As burgers vector of dislocation in the KDP crystal must match the minimum periodic vector of the crystal lattice, we suggest that dislocations with a burgers vector of [101], [102] and [103] exist. Atomic force microscopy was employed to characterize the morphology of growth spirals on the hillock of (101) faces. Multi-spirals consisting of more than two element steps with a height of 0.5 nm which is equal to (101) face interplanar distances were observed. We propose the multi-spiral structure is determined by the burgers vector of the corresponding dislocation, and constructed a geometric model of the crystal with screw dislocation to derive the relationship. Growth spirals on the (101) face present a particular triangular morphology and we proved that the triangle structure is formed by connected steps in the 1/2[111] and [010] direction. Micropipes form when the magnitude of the dislocation's burgers vector exceeds 1 nm, as predicted by BCF theory. Interaction between dislocations was observed also.
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