Design of Electricity Market Big Data Analysis System Based on Hybrid Encryption and Secure Transmission

With the gradual deepening of the informatization construction of Zhejiang Electric Power Trading Center, massive amounts of data have been accumulated, and it is imperative to build a big data analysis system for Zhejiang Electric Power Market. Zhejiang Electric Power Market Big Data Analysis System has data interaction with Zhejiang Electricity Trading System and Zhejiang Electricity Settlement System. In order to ensure the secure transmission of information between various systems, it is necessary to realize the controllability, confidentiality, availability, integrity and non-repudiation of information interaction. This paper proposes a new hybrid encryption method by combining AES encryption algorithm, RSA encryption algorithm and SHA256 encryption algorithm, and it is used in the information transmission of Zhejiang Electric Power Market Big Data Analysis System. It generates a specific hash value for the ciphertext to verify the integrity of the transmitted data by using SHA256 to generate a fixed-digit hash value. Through the program verification of the hybrid encryption method in this paper, it is proved that the usability, security and efficiency of this method can provide security for the information interaction of Zhejiang Electric Power Market Big Data Analysis System.
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