Detection of Power Data Outliers Using Density Peaks Clustering Algorithm Based on <span class="nowrap"><svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" style="vertical-align:-0.06580067pt" id="M1" height="11.4652pt" version="1.1" viewBox="-0.0657574 -11.3994 13.1359 11.4652" width="13.1359pt"><g transform="matrix(.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"><path id="g113-76" d="M743 650H503L496 622L527 618C563 613 564 603 532 573C449 495 371 431 323 392C301 374 272 355 246 346L280 522C297 609 300 614 379 622L385 650H135L129 622C209 614 215 609 198 522L124 133C106 39 99 35 23 28L17 0H271L277 28C193 35 192 39 208 133L239 316C264 328 280 325 303 288C368 183 435 90 502 0H652L659 28C602 34 584 43 543 94C495 154 403 283 347 369L574 554C634 603 659 612 735 624L743 650Z"/></g></svg>-</span>Nearest Neighbors

As an important research branch in data mining, outlier detection has been widely used in equipment operation monitoring and system operation control. Power data outlier detection is playing an increasingly vital role in power systems. Density peak clustering (DPC) is a simple and efficient density-based clustering algorithm with a good application prospect. Nevertheless, the clustering results by the DPC algorithm can be greatly influenced by the cutoff distance, indicating that the results are highly sensitive to this parameter. To address the shortcomings of the DPC algorithm and take the characteristics of power data into consideration, we propose a DPC algorithm based on -nearest neighbors for the detection of power data outliers. The proposed DPC algorithm introduces the idea of -nearest neighbors and uses a unified definition of local density. In the DPC algorithm, only one parameter () needs to be determined, thus eliminating the influence of cutoff distance on the clustering result of the algorithm. The experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm can achieve accurate detection of power data outliers and has broad application prospects.
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