Virtual Reality Technology in Landscape Design at the Exit of Rail Transit Using Smart Sensors

The artistic thought of traditional garden landscape design has an important influence on garden art, and architectural theory and gardening theory are also inextricably linked. In modern gardens, traditional architecture lacks applicability to the construction of garden painting environment. Based on the background of modern gardens today, this paper studies the landscape design approaches that have the effect of painting in modern gardens, in order to provide references for modern gardens design. Virtual reality technology mainly provides users with a three-dimensional image environment through the use of simulation methods, which can truly reflect the changes and interactions of operating objects, thus forming a virtual world and establishing a relationship between users and the virtual world, interactive virtual 3D interactive interface. Based on the comparison of mainstream engine systems, this paper selects a suitable virtual reality system based on the characteristics of garden landscape design. On this basis, it further studies and researches the functions of the engine system selected by the research institute and explores the virtual reality system that meets the characteristics of creating garden landscape engineering. In the real work process, a three-dimensional virtual environment of the garden landscape is finally selected, so as to lay a solid foundation for applying virtual reality technology to garden landscape design, and strive to gain an advantage in the application field of virtual reality technology in this industry. Traffic congestion and frequent traffic accidents have become a major obstacle to urban development, the use of intelligent transportation systems to solve urban traffic problems has become the consensus of managers, so this paper uses intelligent sensor technology to schedule traffic flow. Experimental results show that virtual reality technology mainly uses simulation methods to give users a personal experience. The density of green space corridors simulated by VR technology can be increased from 1.25 km/km2 to 2.41 km/km2, which is more than doubled, which significantly improves the connectivity of green spaces and effectively improves the ecological functions of green spaces. Engineers, owners, and the public can see the final design effect in real time from any angle and can also interact with the flowers and trees in the scene to understand the design concept of landscape architects more comprehensively, thereby enhancing publicity effect, to achieve fast and effective dissemination. It is beneficial for users to really participate in the project design. The application prospect will be very broad.
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