O objetivo do estudo foi tracar o diagnostico dos incendios florestais no Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimaraes-MT entre os anos de 2005 a 2014. As informacoes foram obtidas junto a base de dados do Parque, onde foram analisados os Registros de Ocorrencias de Incendios Florestais. As variaveis estudadas foram: numero de incendios no periodo e por ano; extensao da area queimada no periodo e por ano; distribuicao anual dos incendios e causas das ocorrencias. Foram registrados 89 incendios e os anos que apresentaram os maiores numeros de ocorrencias, foram 2007, com 19 registros, 2006 e 2005, com 17 e 12 ocorrencias respectivamente. Os meses com os maiores numeros de incendios, foram: setembro (38,20%), agosto (28,09%) e julho (9%). A area total queimada, foi de 23.737, 76 ha, correspondente a 72,75% do parque, ou seja, mais da metade do parque foi queimado no periodo analisado. As principais causas dos incendios foram “incendiarios” com 42,7%, “queima para limpeza” com 20,22%, “raios” e “diversos”, ambos com 10,11%. Os resultados mostraram a fragilidade do parque, diante dos incendios, dentro deste contexto e de suma importância, que sejam adotadas medidas de prevencao, planejadas, que visem a reducao dos sinistros na area. Palavras chave: Fogo, unidade de conservacao, queima. FOREST FIRES IN THE NATIONAL PARK OF CHAPADA DOS GUIMARAES-MT BETWEEN 2005 AND 2014 ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to trace the diagnosis of forest fires in the National Park of Chapada dos Guimaraes-MT from 2005 to 2014. The information was obtained from the Park database, where the Forest Fire Occurrence Records were analyzed. The variables studied were: number of fires in the period and per year; extent of area burned in the period and per year; annual distribution of fires and causes of occurrences. There were 89 fires recorded and the years with the highest number of occurrences were 2007, with 19 records, 2006 and 2005, with 17 and 12 occurrences respectively. The months with the highest number of fires were: september (38.20%), august (28.09%) and july (9%). The total area burned was 23,737, 76 ha, corresponding to 72.75% of the park, that is, more than half of the park was burned in the analyzed period. The main causes of the fires were "incendiaries" with 42.7%, "burning for cleaning" with 20.22%, "rays" and "diverse", both with 10.11%. The results showed the fragility of the park, in view of the fires, within this context it is of the utmost importance that preventive measures, planned, aiming at the reduction of accidents in the area. Keywords: fire, conservation unit, burn. DOI: 10.5935/2318-7670.v05n05a09
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