Trayectorias de inicio laboral y desigualdad en Uruguay. Un análisis con base en el estudio longitudinal PISA-L 2003-2012

This article aims to identify and explain the initial career paths of young Uruguayans. It emphasizes three elements: labour protection, timing and qualifications in the context of the new uncertainty generated by globalization and the role of institutional filters provided by the employment and education systems. We use PISA 2003 -2012 longitudinal project data. An optimal solution of seven clusters reveals a medium level of heterogeneity in the transition. The multinomial regression on social class, gender and human capital reports modest but significant marginal effects for the last two. It is evident the reproduction of gender inequality in this "dense period", particularly affecting women with children. Human capital has also a clear protective effect towards vulnerable paths, but does not generate advantages to follow paths of rising job skills.
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