Quizizz para la evaluación educativa en tiempos de pandemia

Introduction: due to the current situation caused by COVID-19, the use of digital resources in education at all levels (primary, secondary and university) has replaced the conventional paper exam. Quizizz offers an attractive and friendly platform for taking quizzes and tests. Objectives: i) To develop and apply questionnaires with Quizizz at two different educational levels (secondary education and university education) and ii) to compare the degree of acceptance of the students and their usefulness for the acquisition or foundation of concepts. Material and Methods: different evaluation questionnaires will be developed as a pilot test in Quizizz and will be applied at two different educational levels (secondary education and university education) with a total of 103 students of secondary education from the I.E.S. El Sobradillo (1st, 3rd and 4th of ESO) and 135 students from the University of La Laguna (4th year of Pharmacy Degree). The results obtained in the different educational levels will be observed. Results and Discussion: The success rates obtained between the two educational levels are high. The success rate in university education has been higher (52%) than in secondary education (48%). However, secondary school students show greater skills when it comes to handling digital devices and the Quizizz environment. Conclusions: It is shown that both in secondary and university education, the application of Quizizz in the teaching - learning process improves student results, motivation and participation.
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