Estruturação do Banco de Dentes Humanos Decíduos da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria / RS/ Brasil

The development of Tooth Banks in Brazilian Dental Scho- ols seems to be the best approach to reduce the surrounding illegal market, to control cross-infection due to their inadequate manipu- lation, and to spread the concept that teeth are, also, human organs (Ferreira et al., 2003; Imparato, 2003). The Bank of Human Prima- ry Teeth at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (BHT-P/UFSM) does not aim to earn money, then its purpose is to organize and to allow an easy way for accessing dental donation, moreover it cre- ates a way for formalizing the ori- gin and final destination of teeth, giving ideal conditions for their safe management according to the Brazilian Law of Transplanta- tion (Law n.o 9.434 de 04/02/1997) and the National Health Council Resolutions (Resolution 196 of 10/10/1996) (Brazil, 1996; Brazil, 1997). This paper aimed to descri- be the development of the BHT- P/UFSM, the legal approaches and how it really works, showing important acts on receiving tee- th, their classification as well the cleaning and packing processes, followed by their final donation Key words: primary human teeth, bank of human teeth, legislation, black market, organization.
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