Euler method can outperform more complex ODE solvers in the numerical implementation of the Izhikevich artificial Spiking Neuron Model given the allocated FLOPS

The Izhikevich artificial spiking neuron model is among the most employed models in neuromorphic engineering and computational neuroscience, due to the affordable computational effort to discretize it and its biological plausibility. It has been adopted also for applications with limited computational resources in embedded systems. It is important therefore to realize a compromise between error and computational expense to solve numerically the model9s equations. Here we investigate the effects of discretization and we study the solver that realizes the best compromise between accuracy and computational cost, given an available amount of Floating Point Operations per Second (FLOPS). We considered three frequently used fixed step Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) solvers in computational neuroscience: Euler method, the Runge-Kutta 2 method and the Runge-Kutta 4 method. To quantify the error produced by the solvers, we used the Victor Purpura spike train Distance from an ideal solution of the ODE. Counterintuitively, we found that simple methods such as Euler and Runge Kutta 2 can outperform more complex ones (i.e. Runge Kutta 4) in the numerical solution of the Izhikevich model if the same FLOPS are allocated in the comparison. Moreover, we quantified the neuron rest time (with input under threshold resulting in no output spikes) necessary for the numerical solution to converge to the ideal solution and therefore to cancel the error accumulated during the spike train; in this analysis we found that the required rest time is independent from the firing rate and the spike train duration. Our results can generalize in a straightforward manner to other spiking neuron models and provide a systematic analysis of fixed step neural ODE solvers towards a trade-off between accuracy in the discretization and computational cost.
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