Hockey-stick dark energy is not a solution to the $H_0$ crisis

A dark-energy which behaves as the cosmological constant until a sudden phantom transition at very-low redshift ($z 4$\sigma$ disagreement between the local and high-redshift determinations of the Hubble constant, while maintaining the phenomenological success of the $\Lambda$CDM model with respect to the other observables. Here, we show that such a hockey-stick dark energy cannot solve the $H_0$ crisis. The basic reason is that the supernova absolute magnitude $M_B$ that is used to derive the local $H_0$ constraint is not compatible with the $M_B$ that is necessary to fit supernova, BAO and CMB data, and this disagreement is not solved by a sudden phantom transition at very-low redshift. Finally, we encourage the community to adopt in the statistical analyses the prior on the supernova absolute magnitude $M_B$ as an alternative to the prior on $H_0$. The three reasons are: i) one avoids double counting of low-redshift supernovae, ii) one avoids fixing the deceleration parameter to the standard model value $q_0=-0.55$, iii) one includes in the analysis the fact that $M_B$ is constrained by local calibration, an information which would otherwise be neglected in the analysis, biasing both model selection and parameter constraints.
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