FAK Regulates Dynein Localization and Cell Polarity in Migrating Mouse Fibroblasts

BACKGROUND: Fibroblasts executing directional migration position their centrosome, and their Golgi apparatus, in front of the nucleus towards the cell leading edge. Centrosome positioning relative to the nucleus has been associated to mechanical forces exerted on the centrosome by the microtubule-dependent molecular motor cytoplasmic dynein 1, and to nuclear movements such as rearward displacement and rotation events. Dynein has been proposed to regulate the position of the centrosome by exerting pulling forces on microtubules from the cell leading edge, where the motor is enriched during migration. However, the mechanism explaining how dynein acts at the front of the cells has not been elucidated. RESULTS: We present here results showing that the protein Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) interacts with dynein and regulates the enrichment of the dynein/dynactin complex at focal adhesions at the cell the leading edge of migrating fibroblasts. This suggests that focal adhesions provide anchoring sites for dynein during the polarisation process. In support of this, we present evidence indicating that the interaction between FAK and dynein, which is regulated by the phosphorylation of FAK on its Ser732 residue, is required for proper centrosome positioning. Our results further show that the polarisation of the centrosome can occur independently of nuclear movements. Although FAK regulates both nuclear and centrosome motilities, downregulating the interaction between FAK and dynein affects only the nuclear independent polarisation of the centrosome. CONCLUSIONS: Our work highlights the role of FAK as a key player in the regulation of several aspects of cell polarity. We thus propose a model in which the transient localisation of dynein with focal adhesions provides a tuneable mechanism to bias dynein traction forces on microtubules allowing proper centrosome positioning in front of the nucleus. SIGNIFICANCE: We unravel here a new role for the cancer therapeutic target FAK in the regulation of cell morphogenesis.
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