‘편의점 인간’ 과 ‘로스제네’ 표상 - 버블 붕괴 이후의 세대론을 통해 본 『편의점 인간』 -

This paper analyzes Sayaka Murata"s novel "Convenience Store Woman" based on the theory of the Japanese generation after the economic bubble burst. Convenience stores are effective places to show the life and society of modern people, and they tend to be drawn as if they were spaces dominated by uniform standardization. People are dominated by invisible and explicit manuals that explain what"ordinary humans" are, and people subconsciously imitate the thoughts and actions of others. The novel centers around on two characters, Furukura, who has neither no ‘self-love’ nor and is not competitive ‘competitiveness’, and Shiraha, who is excessively angered by expresses excessive anger toward society. This paper is not a perspective of individual prominent behavior patterns, but It was analyzed in relation to the characteristics of ‘Lost generation’. The ‘lost generation’ often fell into bad jobs due to social conditions, but society assesses this as personal responsibility and criticized the ‘lost generation’ as ‘abnormal’. In the novel, the protagonist who has no dating experience and no libido is considered abnormal, but in reality, it is said that the desire for love and romantic experience and libido among young people is rapidly decreasing. The novel tells us that the ‘common sense" that society believes is self-evident is actually only a ’boom" or temporary "value" that is created according to the times and circumstances.
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