ABSTRACT : Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the level of knowledge of dental trauma and especially permanent dental avulsion among the Department of Primary Education senior students. Material and Methods: Ethical approval of Hacettepe University Non-Interventional Clinical Research Ethics Board was obtained. The data were collected via a structured, pre-tested, self-administered questionnaire in Hacettepe University Faculty of Education. Results: A total of 145 students, 60 (41.0%) from the division of Early Childhood Education and 85 (59.0%) from the division of Classroom Education participated in this descriptive study. Of the students, 9.7% had previously received training on oral dental injuries. Even 33.1% knew that avulsed permanent tooth can be replanted, 91.7% thought that the tooth should not be replanted by themselves. Almost all of the students (94.5%) wish to learn more information about dental trauma. Conclusion: It has been observed that senior students’ level of knowledge related to dental trauma was inadequate. In this regard, prospective primary education teachers are in training need about this subject. It is also recommended that basic information on dental trauma has to be given in the context of first aid and emergency intervention trainings in these departments. Keywords: Tooth avulsion, knowledge, dental trauma, teacher EĞITIM FAKULTESI SON SINIF OĞRENCILERININ AĞIZ DIŞ YARANMASINA ILIŞKIN BILGI DUZEYI OZ Amac: Bu calismanin amaci Temel Egitim Bolumu son sinif ogrencilerinin agiz-dis yaralanmalarina ve ozellikle de daimi dis avulsiyonuna (yerinden cikmasi) iliskin bilgilerinin belirlenmesidir. Gerec ve Yontem: Hacettepe Universitesi (H.U.) Girisimsel Olmayan Klinik Arastirmalar Etik Kurul izni alinmistir. Veriler yapilandirilmis, on denemeden gecirilmis, arastiricilar tarafindan hazirlanmis bir anket araciligi ile H.U. Egitim Fakultesinde toplanmistir. Bulgular: Bu tanimlayici nitelikteki calismaya Okul Oncesi Egitimi Anabilim Dalindan 60 (% 41,0) ve Sinif Egitimi Anabilim Dalindan 85 (% 59,0) olmak uzere toplam 145 ogretmen adayi ogrenci katilmistir. Ogrencilerin % 9,7’si onceden agiz- dis yaralanmalarina iliskin egitim almis olduklarini belirtmislerdir. Calismada % 33,1 ogrencinin avulse olmus daimi disin yerine geri yerlestirilmesi gerektigini bilmekte oldugu; ancak % 91,7’sinin bu mudahalenin kendileri tarafindan yapilmamasi gerektigini dusundukleri gorulmustur. Neredeyse tum ogrenciler (% 94,5) agiz-dis yaralanmalari hakkinda daha fazla bilgi edinmek istediklerini belirtmislerdir. Sonuc: Calismada son sinif temel egitim bolumu ogretmen adayi ogrencilerinin agiz-dis yaralanmalari konusunda bilgi duzeylerinin yetersiz oldugu gorulmustur. Bu baglamda temel egitim bolumu ogretmen adaylarinin ilgili konuda egitim ihtiyaclari oldugu dusunulmektedir. Ayrica bu bolumlerde verilen ilk yardim ve acil mudahale egitimleri kapsaminda da temel agiz-dis yaralanmalari bilgisinin verilmesi onerilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dis avulsiyonu, bilgi, dis yaralanmasi, ogretmen
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