MOPSS. I. Flat Optical Spectra for the Hot Jupiters WASP-4 b and WASP-52b

We present the first results from MOPSS, The Michigan Optical Planetary Spectra Survey, aimed at creating a database of optical planetary transmission spectra all observed, reduced, and analyzed with a uniform method for the benefit of enabling comparative exoplanet studies. We discuss our methods, and present results for our first two targets observed with the Magellan Baade 6.5 m telescope, one transit of the Hot Jupiter WASP-4b and two transits of the Hot Saturn WASP-52b. Both targets present flat, featureless spectra, corresponding to the presence of aerosols. We find that the cloud decks must begin no lower than 10−4 bar for both planets. For WASP-52b, we also consider the effects of star spots on the transmission spectrum, including unocculted spots and spots on the stellar limb influencing the light curve limb-darkening parameters. We discuss the usefulness of this program in the coming James Webb Space Telescope era.
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