RESUMO - Avaliar as caracteristicas agronomicas e produtivas de hibridos de milho foi o objetivo deste trabalho. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repeticoes, sendo os tratamentos compostos por quatro hibridos de milho Agroeste: AS 1551 Convencional, AS 1551 PRO 2, AS 1656 PRO 3 e AS 1596 PROX. Foram avaliadas as caracteristicas morfometricas da planta, a participacao dos componentes estruturais no material ensilado e o potencial produtivo dos hibridos. O hibrido AS 1596 PROX apresentou maior numero de folhas totais e senescentes, alem de apresentar maior altura da planta e da insercao da espiga. As maiores participacoes de colmo (37,42%) e folha (16,25%) no material ensilado foram obtidas no hibrido AS 1656 PRO 3. Os hibridos AS 1551 Convencional e AS 1551 PRO 2 apresentaram maiores participacoes de espiga (52,42% e 50,01%) e de graos no material ensilado (32,74% e 32,88%). As produtividades foram semelhantes, com valores de 37.662,3 a 45.093,0 kg/ha de materia verde e de 14.404,7 a 16.421,6 kg/ha de materia seca. O desempenho produtivo dos hibridos foi satisfatorio, e a escolha deles vai depender do objetivo de cada propriedade, na busca de maiores beneficios e facilidades de manejo. Palavras-chave: Zea mays , componentes estruturais, graos, materia seca, diâmetro de colmo. PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF MAIZE HYBRIDS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF SILAGE USING THE WHOLE PLANT ABSTRACT - The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic and productive characteristics of maize hybrids. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four treatments and five replicates. The treatments were composed of four Agroeste maize hybrids: AS 1551 Conventional, AS 1551 PRO 2, AS 1656 PRO 3 and AS 1596 PROX. The morphometric characteristics of the plant, the participation of the structural components in the ensiled material and the productive potential of the hybrids were evaluated. The AS 1596 PROX hybrid presented a higher number of total and senescent leaves, besides showing higher plant height and spike insertion. The highest stakes (37.42%) and leaf (16.25%) in the ensiled material were obtained in the hybrid AS 1656 PRO 3. The hybrids AS 1551 Conventional and AS 1551 PRO 2 showed greater spike (52.42 % and 50.01%) and grains (32.74% and 32.88%) participation in the ensiled material. The yields were similar with values from 37,662.3 to 45,093.0 kg/ha of green matter and from 14,404.7 to 16,421.6 kg/ha of dry matter. The productive performance of the hybrids was satisfactory, and their choice will depend on the objective of each property, in the search for greater benefits and management facilities. Keywords: Zea mays, structural components, grains, dry matter, stem diameter.
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