Method of organization of events of neutralization of sources of risks and threats of economic security with use of conceptual model of sources of risks and threats

The work purpose — systematization and typification of actions of subjects of the Federal risk management system (further — FRMS) on the organization of counteraction to sources (subjects) of risks and threats. System approach, methods of conceptual modeling, scenario modeling, program and target planning are used. For the solution of private tasks it is offered to use imitating modeling, optimization methods, the game theory. The technique defines the main standard types of activity and operations which are expedient for carrying out for counteraction to sources of threats and risks. The set of actions is divided into four types: blocking, asymmetrical answer, demonstration of force, direct influence. The main groups of corrective actions concerning subjects of various type are considered: natural and legal entities, residents and nonresidents. Accounting of motives of activity of subjects of threats and risks is provided. Types of motives are considered. The general scheme of organization of events on neutralization of sources of threats and risks is offered. Criteria for selection of corrective actions, including optimization of expenses, a possibility of response, various side and system effects are considered. The scientific basis of creation of regulations of organization of events of neutralization of threats and risks, the organizations of training courses, carrying out scenario modeling and creation of the appropriate human-machine technologies of development of counteraction to subjects of threats is developed.
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