Family distribution ofconcomitant squint inGreece

SUMMARY From a study of a large number of brothers and sisters suffering from concomitantsquint, the following data were obtained: (1) 42-9 % ofthe patients showed congenital strabismus.(2) In965%ofthe sibs strabismus was ofthe same type. (3) The presence of a significant refractive error occurred in 82-8%of the patients. (4) In all twins strabismus appeared at the same age inboth twins, and the squint and the refractive error were ofthe same type. (5) Thedistance of thepatients' homes fromAthens had no effect on either (a) the time intervening between the onset ofsquint and the first visit to the eye specialist, or (b) the effectiveness oftreatment. Investigations to determine the genetic element instrabismus and the type of heredity involved havebeen the subject of numerous studies (Frangois, 1961; Richter, 1967), although no definite conclu-sions have so far been reached. The present study does not aspire to offer a solution to this complex question and confines itself to an examination offamilialcasesof
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