Stossbrechende Einrichtungen am Zehenendorgan des Pferdes

Shock absorbtion of the hoof capsule is due to the deformation of the hoof wall, hoof sole and their corresponding laminae. In addition the combination of cartilages, digital cushion, connecting band structures and the frog itself form the important shock absorber of the palmar/plantar part of the hoof. The digital cushion plays a major role, not only because it covers the very sensitive area of the distal sesamoid bone, the deep digital flexor tendon and the coffin joint, but because it has the size and structure to perfectly reduce any force impact. The digital cushion does not consist of elastic fibres or fatty depositions, it is loosly composed of collagenous fibres with mucous depositions. Their hyaluronic acids and glucose-aminoglycans are well hydrated macromolecules and act as jelly puffers between incoming force and sensitive structures.
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