A Privacy Preserved and Cost Efficient Control Scheme for Coronavirus Outbreak Using Call Data Record and Contact Tracing.

Coronavirus or COVID-19, which has been declared pandemic by the World Health Organization, has incurred huge losses to the lives of people throughout the world. Although, the scientists, researchers and doctors are working round the clock to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, it may take a year or two to make a safe and effective vaccine available for the world. In current circumstances, a solution must be developed to control or stop the spread of the virus. For this purpose, a novel technique based on call data record analysis (CDRA)and contact tracing is proposed that can effectively control the coronavirus outbreak. A positive coronavirus patient can be traced through CDRA and contact tracing. The technique can track the path traversed by the patient and collect the cell numbers of all those people who have met with the patient. Keeping in tact the privacy of this group of people, who are contacted through their cell numbers so that they can isolate themselves till the result of their coronavirus test arrives. If a test result of a person comes positive among the group, then he/she must be isolated and same CDRA and contact tracing procedures are adopted for that person. A COVID-19 patient is geo tagged and alerts are sent if any violation of isolation is done by the patient. Moreover, the general public is informed in advance to avoid the path followed by the patients. This cost effective mechanism is not only capable to control the coronavirus outbreak but also helps in isolating the patient in his/her house.
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