Long- and Short-Term Preference Model Based on Graph Embedding for Sequential Recommendation

As sequential recommendation mainly obtains the user preference by analyzing their transactional behavior patterns to recommend the next item, how to mine real preference from user’s sequential behavior is crucial in sequential recommendation, and how to find the user long-term and short-term preference accurately is the key to solve this problem. Existing models mainly consider either the user short-term preference or long-term preference, or the relationship between items in one session, ignoring the complex item relationships between different sessions. As a result, they may not adequately reflect the user preference. To this end, in this paper, a Long- and Short-Term Preference Network (LSPN) based on graph embedding for sequential recommendation is proposed. Specifically, item embedding with a complex relationship of items between different sessions is obtained based on graph embedding. Then this paper constructs the network to obtain the user long- and short-term preferences separately, combing them through the fuzzy gate mechanism to provide the user final preference. Furthermore, the results of experiments on two datasets demonstrate the efficiency of our model in Recall@N and MRR@N.
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