Um ano com a pandemia da COVID-19: reflexões e aprendizados nas instituições de longa permanência

The performance as doctors and teachers in facing, for more than a year, the pandemic of COVID-19 in several clinical settings made us realize that we live in difficult times, facing a unknown disease and, often, of unpredictable behavior. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the measures taken in our Institution in these 14 months of the pandemic, and the recurrent learning, which require thoughtful reflection for its convenient assimilation. The measures taken in 2020 included objective and regular information on the situation of our clinical practice scenarios, with special emphasis on the nursing homes for elderly under our supervision. Daily information, weekly charts, provided a realistic picture of the situation we were experiencing. The measures taken, which also aimed at maintaining the morale of the team at the forefront, provided an opportunity to rethink current medical education models, suggesting new changes and adaptations. Finally, with the arrival of vaccines in 2021, the measures we had been taking converged on a massive vaccination effort, especially in nursing homes. This particular scenario, which presented itself as critical at the beginning of the pandemic, after vaccination became a place of high security, according to the results presented. There were also new learnings in that same place - reduction of other diseases, worsening of cognitive levels - which will henceforth be incorporated into our clinical practice.
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