Клініко-функціональна діагностика стану щитоподібної залози у корів в умовах радіоактивного забруднення території

Zhytomir Woodlands of the Ukraine is part of the biogeochemical zone, which is characterized by insufficient contents of biological microelements, including iodine, insufficiency which in surrounding ambience is general biological and medical problem. The animals, which being in united trofical chain with man, feel the geochemical and ecological influences greater measure. The main reason of the reduction to functional activity of the thyroid gland beside cows is a low contents of the iodine in provender. The deficite of the cobalt, zinc, cuprum, contamination of the provender by radionuclids of caesium and strontium promote the development of pathology. The symptoms of iodine insufficiency, which peculiar to hypothyreosis: dryness and hyperkeratosis of skin, long hairs in the field of witherses, endophthalm, bradycardy, mixoedema, increase the thyroid gland are installed by clinical researchings. The diagnosis on hypothyreosis is confirmed by low level of thyroxin.
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