Crystal structure of l,7-dihydroxytricyclo(^'^)dodeca-4,9-dien- 3,8,ll,12-tetraone, C20H24O6

Fig. 2. Projection of the unit cell, view along [100]. Source of material : T h e oxidat ion of 4 ,6-diethylpyrogal iol leads in dependence on the condi t ion of the reaction to d i f fe rent d imer 3-hydroxy-o-quinones . In all it exists 4 d i f ferent structures (see ref . 1 ). By us ing potass ium ni t rosodisulfonate in aqueous media a t p H = 8 l , 7 d i h y d r o x y t r i c y c l o [ 5 . 3 . 1 . 1 ^ ' ^ d o d e c a 4 , 9 4 l i e n 3,8,11,12-tetraone will b e obtained. Crystals were obtained through s low crystall ization f r o m ether. T h e posit ion of the carbonyl b r idges have been clar if ied by X-ray di f f rac t ion.
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