Índices micrometeorológicos e internações de crianças por doenças respiratórias em Santarém, Oeste do Pará.

The aim of this study was to attract associations between hospitalizations for respiratory diseases and micrometeorological index in the Santarem city, located in the West Para region in the year 2010. It was used numbers of children hospitalizations with 0-4 years old and weather data variables (relative humidity, air temperature, precipitation, atmospheric pressure). Was calculated the Micrometeorological index, through principal component analysis, were each principal component is a linear combination of all the original variables, independent of each other and estimated in proposal to retain the maximum total variation information contained in the data; To detect the association we used generalized estimating equations that are used when you want to fit models for longitudinal data. The results suggest that the greatest number of admissions occurred in June coinciding with the transition period between the rainy and dry seasons. Statistically significant associations were observed, noting that the relative risk of 10% was captured for the increase in hospitalizations due to synergy of meteorological variables. This is expected to assist in the planning of public policies and environmental health.
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