Curved Nanomembrane-Based Concentric Ring Cavities for Supermode Hybridization

We report the mode interactions and resonant hybridization in nanomembrane-formed concentric dual ring cavities supporting whispering gallery mode resonances. Utilizing a rolled-up nanomembrane with subwavelength thickness as an interlayer, dual concentric microring cavities are formed by coating high-index nanomembranes on the inner and outer surfaces of the rolled-up dielectric nanomembrane. In such a hybrid cavity system, the conventional fundamental mode resonating along a single ring orbit splits into symmetric and antisymmetric modes confined by concentric dual ring orbits. Detuning of the coupled supermodes is realized by spatially resolved measurements along the cavity axial direction. A spectral anticrossing feature is observed as a clear evidence of strong coupling. Upon strong coupling, the resonant orbits of symmetric and antisymmetric modes cross over each other in the form of superwaves oscillating between the concentric rings with opposite phase. Notably, the present system provides high fl...
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