Musculotopic organization in the motor trigeminal nucleus of the reeler mutant mouse

Abstract We examined the musculotopic organization in the motor trigeminal nucleus and the somatotopical arrangement in the trigeminal ganglion of the normal and reeler mice. To determine whether or not masticatory motoneurons are malpositioned in the reeler mouse, we injected horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the masticatory muscles of normal and reeler mice. Injections of HRP into the jaw-closing muscles, i.e., the masseter and temporalis muscles, labeled large multipolar neurons in the dorsolateral division of the motor trigeminal nucleus of both normal and reeler mice. Similar injections into the jaw-opening muscles, i.e., the anterior belly of the digastric muscle and mylohyoid muscle, labeled large multipolar neurons in the ventromedial division of the motor trigeminal nucleus of both mouse strains. Thus, the normal myotopical arrangement of the masticatory muscles on the motor trigeminal nucleus is preserved in the reeler mouse. However, detailed analysis revealed that jaw-opening motoneurons were more widely scattered in the reeler mouse than in the normal control. To examine the somatotopical arrangement of the first-order sensory neurons in the trigeminal ganglion of the normal and reeler mice, we subcutaneously injected Fast blue (FB) into the mental region and Diamidino yellow (DY) into the vibrissal region of the same animals. No differences in distribution patterns of FB-labeled and DY-labeled neurons in the whole-mounted trigeminal ganglion could been seen between these two strains, suggesting that migration of trigeminal ganglion cells, which are derived from the neural crest and placode, is not deranged by the reeler genetic locus.
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