Topple the racists I: Decolonising the space and the institutional memory of the university

The activism around ‘Black Lives Matter’ following the killing of George Floyd on 25 May 2020 in Minneapolis, USA, has brought further attention to the racism inscribed into the space and institutional memory of universities and of the discipline of geography itself. This, the first of two linked articles, looks at the cases made for dishonouring the memory of Edward Colston (1636– 1721) and that of Cecil Rhodes (1853–1902). Through their philanthropy, both left their name upon elements of higher education in Britain. Yet, on grounds both of the sources of their wealth and of the causes in which their names have been evoked, there are good reasons no more to praise such famous men. The second linked article (Part 2 to be published in the spring 2021 issue of Geography) will consider the legacy of Halford Mackinder (1861–1947) in the light of the obligation to decolonise the space and institutional memory of our discipline.
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