Abstract 204: Brilliant Blue FCF is an Alternative Vein Marking Dye That Restores Functional Viability in Human Saphenous Vien Graft

Objective The human saphenous vein (HSV) is the most effective conduit for infrainguinal peripheral bypass grafting. Optimal vein graft preparation is critical to vein graft patency. Graft marking using surgical skin markers is detrimental to endothelial and smooth muscle function of the graft. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of FD&C Brilliant Blue No. 1 (FCF) as an alternative for vein graft marking. Methods Segments of HSV were collected after typical harvest and graft preparation. The tissues were cut into rings and either left unmarked or marked with FCF (2.6 mM). The functional viability of the rings was determined in a muscle bath. Results Marking with FCF did not impair contractility of the smooth muscle (Figure 1A). Contractility was restored in HSV segments that had no functional contractile responses after harvest and preparation (Figure 1B). To determine the mechanism of this protective effect of FCF, purinergic receptors were activated with BzATP with and without pre-incubation with FCF (50μM) or a purinergic receptor antagonist (oATP, control) and the rise in [Ca 2+ ] i was measured. FCF and oATP reduced the BZATP-evoked rise in [Ca 2+ ] i (Figure 1C), suggesting that the salutary effects of FCF were due to inhibition of a P2X or P2Y receptor. Conclusions FCF is a non-toxic alternative to surgical skin markers that antagonizes purinergic receptors in HSV. FCF restored functional viability to injured vascular smooth muscle. FCF may protect HSV against injury-elicited ‘danger’ signals such as extracellular ATP that is released during injury-induced preparation.
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