Spoken Multiple-Choice Question Answering Using Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks

In a spoken multiple-choice question answering (MCQA) task, where passages, questions, and choices are given in the form of speech, usually only the auto-transcribed text is considered in system development. The acoustic-level information may contain useful cues for answer prediction. However, to the best of our knowledge, only a few studies focus on using the acoustic-level information or fusing the acoustic-level information with the text-level information for a spoken MCQA task. Therefore, this paper presents a hierarchical multistage multimodal (HMM) framework based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to integrate text- and acoustic-level statistics into neural modeling for spoken MCQA. Specifically, the acoustic-level statistics are expected to offset text inaccuracies caused by automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems or representation inadequacy lurking in word embedding generators, thereby making the spoken MCQA system robust. In the proposed HMM framework, two modalities are first manipulated to separately derive the acoustic- and text-level representations for the passage, question, and choices. Next, these clever features are jointly involved in inferring the relationships among the passage, question, and choices. Then, a final representation is derived for each choice, which encodes the relationship of the choice to the passage and question. Finally, the most likely answer is determined based on the individual final representations of all choices. Evaluated on the data of “Formosa Grand Challenge - Talk to AI”, a Mandarin Chinese spoken MCQA contest held in 2018, the proposed HMM framework achieves remarkable improvements in accuracy over the text-only baseline.
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