Sindh’s Position in Pakistan after the Independence (An Analysis through Print Media)

Pakistan's federalism dilemma goes back to the nation's founding. Pakistan was founded under a number of challenges, many of which affected the state's administration and organization. Federalism has been recognized as a constitutional framework in Pakistan since the country's inception. Pakistan's political organization was the Muslim League, which pushed for complete regional autonomy for United India's provinces. The Congress, on the other hand, was in favor of a more modest union. The Muslim League's long history and practice have forced it to accept federalism as a governmental structure. There were other reasons for Pakistan's formation as a federal state. According to all of the theories, imperial legacies are unique. This factor played a role in Pakistan becoming a republic, but it also played a role in Pakistan failing to become a sustainable federation. To preserve its entrenched interests, the British administration created federalism in India. The British way of governing India was not consistent throughout the country, but differed by region. As a consequence, certain regions overdeveloped while others remained undeveloped. The Punjab district was also represented in governmental organizations such as the military and the bureaucracy. After Pakistan's independence, there was an overdeveloped Punjab, but it was not the country's most populous area. It was dominant and had a disproportionate amount of representation in state agencies, and it was adamant about maintaining its hegemony. It was the most common illness in West Pakistan. Since Pakistan's establishment, there has been a schism between the impoverished Punjab and Bengal regions. Smaller provinces were neglected and suffered greatly throughout the war. From the outset, Punjab dominated the state, and judgments were imposed on the minor provinces. The refugee wave forced its way into Sindh. Karachi, a major commercial hub in Sindh, was separated from the province and incorporated into the jurisdiction of the federal government. As a consequence of this undemocratic decision, Sindh's ministry was dissolved, and Karachi was placed under federal control. Following the formation of One Unit, the lesser provinces were compelled to join. The One-unit concept destroyed Sindh's geographical status and drastically changed its demographics. Following Bengal's disintegration, Punjab became the only dominating state, controlling the state system. Sindh remained unnoticed in such a condition. Throughout history, Sindh has suffered the same fate. Furthermore, the constitutions of Pakistan did not guarantee Sindh's regional sovereignty. This research makes an analytical attempt to examine the historical connection between the Centre and Sindh in terms of print media.
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