Centro de salud tipo B, barrio La Carolina

Over the years, in the evolution and development of Quito, the notorious fragmentation and social, economic and cultural classification of the population has been possible. This has caused public entities and their high command to show a greater interest in investing in the northern part of the city, which has led to an imbalance in terms of equipment, financial micro-centers and facilities for the inhabitants. Because of this, the population has become accustomed to having to make long journeys to reach their point of work, schools or medical attention. The latter as the right of the human being will be the theme to be developed in the present thesis, which responds to a previous analysis comprised from the La Alameda park to the Bicentenario park as an urban proposal to 2040. The proposal presented in this thesis is based on understanding these long journeys that people make in order to attend a health center to check their health status, to understand the imbalance of said equipment throughout the urban proposal and what this problem entails is the lack of interest for a healthy life or the excessive use of the private car, indirectly promoting pollution in the environment. Thus, the project aims to respond to these needs and future ones, keeping in mind the care of the environment.
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