Measured cup weights of ten raw leafy vegetables are lower than weights previously reported

Abstract Raw dark-green leafy vegetables (LVs) are excellent sources of vitamins A, C, K, folate and manganese. LV intake is reported in cups in the United States (US) and inaccurate cup weights could impact calculated nutrient composition. This project measured the cup weight of ten raw LVs purchased in Coralville, Iowa, compared them to weights reported in two US databases and the Nutrition Facts Label, and assessed changes in nutrient levels for a two-cup serving (one cup-equivalent, c-eq). Six individuals measured one package/head/bunch of each LV. Loosely/moderately packed pieces were weighed in a measuring cup to the nearest 0.1 gram. Ready-to-eat produce was measured as purchased; heads/bunches were cut/torn into 2.5-cm pieces. All cup weights were significantly lower than weights previously reported (p
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