Monocytic differentiation and synthesis of proteins associated with apoptosis in human leukemia U‐937 cells acquiring resistance to Vincristine

Human leukemia U-937/WT cells were exposed to stepwise increased concentrations of Vincristine so that Vincristine-resistant cell sublines (termed U-937/RV) were developed. Established U-937/RV cell sublines have continuously propagated over a year, both in absence and presence of VCR, and have demonstrated similar features. In contrast to U-937/WT cells, U-937/RV cells have longer doubling time, and are more differentiated as determined by appearance of distinct morphological features and synthesis of mRNA that codes for the monocyte colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor (c-fms). Both apoptosis-suppressing Bcl-2 and Bcl-X L proteins were undectable in U-937/WT cells, whereas Bcl-2 was nearly detectable and Bcl-X L readily detectable in U-937/RV cells. The apoptosis-promoting Bax protein was also absent in U-937/WT cells and readily detected in U-937/RV cells. Vincristine-resistant cells with different levels of resistance synthesize similar levels of c-fms mRNA and Bax protein. Finally, unlike U-937/WT cells, U-937/RV cells have no ability to induce tumors when xenografted in immunodeficient mice. The findings collectively suggest that development of resistance to Vincristine in U-937/WT cells may correlate with cell differentiation and synthesis of proteins that regulate apoptosis.
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