HPV knowledge and vaccine acceptance in an uninsured Hispanic population in Providence, RI.

The Food and Drug Administration has approved two human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines for use by men and women in the United States. The vaccines not only protect against HPV infection, but also reduce the risk of cervical cancer in women. Despite the widespread availability of these vaccines, vulnerable populations such as those with low incomes have been reported to have limited access to and knowlege about HPV vaccines. In order to evaluate and improve HPV vaccination uptake in a population of uninsured, low-income Spanishspeaking individuals attending a free clinic in Rhode Island, we administered a questionnaire regarding knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) and performed an education intervention. We found that knowledge of HPV infection and cervical cancer among the patients sampled was low when comparing Hispanics to non-Hispanics (47.2%, 85.7%, respectively) but willingness to vaccinate oneself or one’s child was very high after a brief videobased intervention.
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