COVID-19 encephalopathy: Challenges for post-pandemic times

I have been treating patients with neurological and neuropsychiatric syndromes of unknown etiology for some years. The signs and symptoms can range from peripheral disorders such as pariahs / paresthesia's of the extremities or affecting the scapular, pelvic girdles (some similar to myopathies);cognitive changes and dementia. In this year of 2020, during Pandemic the frequency of patients with Inflammatory Brain Syndrome increased significantly. In the examination of the cephalic segment by the Virtual Test through BDORT, we find deposits of heavy metals, the presence of numerous microorganisms, alteration of the microcirculation, reduction of neurotransmitters and inflammatory markers. When investigating resonance for SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19), the virtual test reveals a high viral load (measured in units of coronavirus-UCV images);High index of cerebral vasculopathy (resonance obtained with images of cerebral vasculitis);Purpose of the presentation: Identification of the inflammatory brain condition (encephalitis) and treatment instituted through BDORT Material and method: 1. Patients with varied signs and symptoms;some associated with dermatitis;covering all age groups. Children, teenagers with more agitated and aggressive behavior. Associated complaint more frequent headache, distraction, extreme tiredness/fatigue, anxious and depressive symptoms;difficulty concentrating, difficulties with recent memory, unjustified aggression, delusions, etc. (All negative for PCR;serology Covid) 2. Mapping the cephalic segment of these patients. Inflammation of the internal carotid artery (resonance with the human histological lamina of the spleen) and vertebral arteries (resonance with the gallbladder lamina) is observed 3. Therapeutic approach: 3.1 Medication: A. The Natural antivirals (Omega-3, propolis, herbal medicines);coriander, antiinflammatories - DHEA, arnica, antioxidants, Vit D3, Prebiotics, alkalizing foods B. Ivermectin comp 6mg or 5CH homeopathic formula;(as anti-inflammatory 200 or 400 mg) or 5CH homeopathic formula 3.2 Procedures: A. Acupuncture, moxa, Ionic pumping with Manaka cables, Infiltrations with Traumeel's + Lidocaine2% or Procaine2% B. Selective drug capture method: digital pressure in the representative areas of the organs;Use of Red Laser or Led on body areas, etc. .
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