Photoluminescence of CuInSe2/GaN and CuInSe2/InN

Abstract The power and temperature dependent photoluminescence (PL) of epitaxially grown In-rich CuInSe 2 (CIS) and Cu-rich CIS deposited on N-polar GaN and InN were investigated in this paper. The In-rich CIS/GaN has two PL emissions characterized by a donor-acceptor pair (DAP) peak at 0.92 eV and an excitonic peak at 1.08/1.1 eV. On the other hand, the Cu-rich CIS/GaN has four PL emissions characterized by two DAP peaks at 0.86 eV and 0.94 eV, free-to-bound recombination peak at 0.97 eV and an excitonic peak at 1.03 eV. Identification of these defects in the CIS absorber layer is crucial for the improvement of the device efficiency. The PL emission of the CIS/InN closely resembles that of the Cu-rich CIS/GaN. For all the samples, the PL intensity increased with excitation power while the PL intensity decreased with temperature. The obtained power coefficients and activation energies support the proposed mechanism causing the luminescence. The defects present in CIS/GaN and CIS/InN were also identified. The results from this study are consistent with those of CIS single crystals and show that the CIS absorber layer can be incorporated with III-nitride materials, and its absorption can be extended beyond the spectrum covered by plain CIS.
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