Current Practices for Outpatient Initiation of Levodopa-Carbidopa Intestinal Gel for Management of Advanced Parkinson’s Disease in the United States

Results from recent studies have shown that continuous infusion of levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG) into the jejunum (a part of the small intestine) effectively manages the motor and nonmotor complications (e.g., tremor, extreme stiffness in arms and legs, difficulty walking, and impaired balance) experienced by patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD). LCIG is administered by a portable pump directly into the patient’s jejunum by a permanent tube that is inserted surgically. LCIG therapy is beneficial to advanced PD patients over orally administered carbidopa/levodopa for two reasons. First, oral carbidopa/levodopa moves from the stomach to the small intestine where it is intermittently absorbed into the blood stream. LCIG is administered continuously and offers better symptom control for longer. Results from clinical trials and observational studies have shown that LCIG significantly decreases “off” time (poor motor control) and increases “on” time (good motor control) in advanced PD patients without troublesome dyskinesia, which results from the higher doses of oral levodopa required to treat the symptoms. Second, LCIG is absorbed in the jejunum, thereby bypassing the stomach where problems can occur because of inconsistent stomach emptying. In the US, titration of LCIG is performed mostly in an outpatient setting. Some clinicians may view titration of LCIG to be too complex and variable, so they avoid using LCIG therapy for their PD patients. Fortunately, emerging data and clinicians’ expanding experience with LCIG have shown that titration can be easily managed in an outpatient setting, allowing for more customized therapeutic regimens for patients.
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