Keep It Simple, Fast and Scalable: A Multi-model NoSQL DBMS as an (eb) XML-over-SOAP Service

IT complexity in enterprise today continues to grow at a dizzying rate. Technology innovation, vendor heterogeneity, and business demands are major reasons why organizations are exposed to new risks, based on the gaps opened between the options and features of each IT element and product, and how they are implemented to support a well-defined policy and company strategy. Moreover, the impact of such risks is exacerbated exponentially by failing to identify the handshakes and correlations of interrelated elements. Products, vendors, and IT layers, must work in tandem to prevent potential "black holes": risks related to availability, resiliency and data loss. In this paper, we propose a possible approach to reduce complexity, and thus the related risks, and also to gain improvements in terms of simplicity, speed and scalability. In order to achieve those objectives, we can add new behaviors and a business logic at the database level, if easily obtainable. We did it with OrientDB, a Multi-Model NoSQL database, through the development of native extensions, such as the XML-over-SOAP service study case.
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