Gingival risks of fixed prostheses at the Institute of Odontology and Stomatology of Dakar (I.O.S.)

: The realisation of a bridgework involves a direct action on the gingival marginal edge. It is submitted to peremptoriness of execution that one of the objectives is to respect the periodontium with a great rigour. In the opposite case it can become a greater aggression agent, source of prosthetic failures we carried out this report in order to evaluate in the framework of a pedagogic operational programme of crown and bridge prosthesis, the superficial periodontal risks linked to the preparation of the abutment teeth and to the prosthetic chain. We examined a randomised sample of 50 patients chosen from the Dakar LOS prosthetic consultation. On the periodontium initially sound we noted inflammatory lesions of the superficial periodontium from the beginning to the end of the treatment we used the Russel periodontal index. The whole individual scores summarised on a collective chart have been submitted to the statistical analysis of the independence by using the chi-square test. The population consulting in bridge work at the Dakar LOS is relatively young, 33 years in a average with a sex ratio of 1.17 and it shows a moderate (60% of the cases) and severe periodontal seizure (40% of the cases) dealing significantly with the type of prosthesis and the axial and occlusal morphology of the prosthesis pieces. This study shows that prosthesis rehabilitation in the frame work of a clinical training at the Dakar I.O.S. includes relatively high risks of periodontium aggression that we would minimise by setting more correctly the indications of the bridge work and by bringing more rigour to the record and the postpone of the patients occlusion in the laboratory conception of the prosthesis pieces.
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