Interet des radiographies standards du thorax dans les bilans de routine au Centre Hospitalier Regional (CHR) de Sokode (Togo)

But: evaluer l’impact des radiographies standards du thorax dans les bilans de routine realisees chez les sujets sans un veritable symptome clinique. Materiels et methodes: Il s’est agi d’une etude monocentrique, prospective descriptive, qui s’etait deroulee du 1 er janvier au 31 decembre 2015 au centre hospitalier regional de Sokode. Resultats: au total 1245 radiographies thoraciques ont ete realisees pendant la periode d’etude. Les radiographies repondant a nos criteres d’inclusion etaient au nombre de 346 soit 27,8%. L’âge moyen des patients etait de 34,6. La tranche d’âge la plus representee etait celle de 30 a 50 ans chez les hommes soit 78 sur 172 hommes (45,3%) et celle de 40 a 60 ans chez les femmes soit 81 sur 174 femmes (46,6%). Le motif de demande des radiographies etait domine par le bilan d’hypertension arterielle dans 38,7% des cas suivi du bilan annuel de sante et du bilan preoperatoire dans respectivement 19,7% et 19,4%. La radiographie etait normale chez 262 patients soit dans 75,7% des cas avec un taux de revelation de pathologie de 24,3%. Les lesions observees etaient dominees par la cardiomegalie (23,7%), les calcifications aortiques (4,6%). Conclusion: Les demandes de radiographies thoraciques pour « bilan » doivent etre reservees aux cas ou elles sont cliniquement indiquees et non systematique afin d’eviter a nos patients une irradiation inutile. Mots cles: radiographie du thorax, bilan de routine, Sokode, Togo English Title:  Interest of routine chest x-rays at the Regional Hospital Center (CHR) of Sokode (Togo) English Abstract Objective: To evaluate the impact of routine chest X-rays performed in subjects without a true clinical symptom. Materials and methods: This was a single-center, prospective descriptive study that took place from 1 January to 31 December 2015 at the Sokode Regional Hospital Center. Results: A total of 1245 chest x-rays were performed during the study period. Radiographs correspond our inclusion criteria were 346 or 27.8%. The average age of the patients was 34.6. The most represented age group is that of men aged 30 to 50, or 78 out of 172 men (45.3%) and that of 40 to 60 years among women, or 81 out of 174 women (46.6%). The reason for requesting x-rays was dominated by the high blood pressure assessment in 38.7% of cases, followed by the annual health check and preoperative assessment in 19.7% and 19.4%, respectively. X-rays were normal in 262 patients or 75.7% of cases with a pathology revealing rate of 24.3%. The observed lesions were dominated by cardiomegaly (23.7%) and aortic calcifications (4.6%). Conclusion: Requests for chest X-rays for "assessment" should be reserved for cases where they are clinically indicated and not systematic in order to avoid unnecessary irradiation for our patients. Keywords: chest X-ray, routine check-up, Sokode, Togo
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