Die Endo-Exo-Femurprothese – ein neues Konzept zur knochengeführten, prothetischen Versorgung von oberschenkelamputierten Patienten

AIM: The implantation of an intramedullary transcutaneously conducted femur prosthesis presents a rather new procedure for the rehabilitation of above-knee amputated patients. The aim of the so-called endo-exo prosthesis is to avoid the well-known problems at the interface between the sleeve of the prosthesis and the soft tissue coat of the femur stump which often impedes an inconspicuous and harmonic gait. METHOD: The company ERSKA Implants in Lubeck/Germany has developed an intramedullary femur prosthesis with a spongiosa metal-configurated relief surface which, when implanted cementless, enables a secure osseointegration and allows a more direct transmission of muscle power to the lower leg prosthesis. A minimum length of 16-18 cm and a sufficient soft tissue coverage of the femur stump is needed. The problems at the perforation point of the implant through the soft tissue coat can be handled or even be avoided and they do not necessarily provoke an intramedullary infection. RESULTS: We report on 30 cases that were operated between 1999 and 2008. The design of the prosthesis, aspects of the operative procedure and latest results are presented.
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