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Esta investigacion historica destaca la participacion de la mujer en el contexto de la historia de Colombia, con enfasis en la medicina. Durante la epoca prehispanica, ademas de cuidar a sus hijos y a su hombre, atendiendo su riesgosa maternidad, contribuyo a sostener la poblacion de la tribu. En la conquista y la colonia casi se exterminaron los aborigenes y fueron reemplazados por la etnia mestiza. Entonces, las parteras escribieron parte de la historia y dominaron el panorama medico de la mujer por mas de 300 anos. En el siglo XIX, el mas violento de la Republica, la medicina se desprestigia; proliferan comadronas, curanderas y yerbateras. Sin embargo, en las ultimas decadas cambia la situacion: se estructura la profesion de enfermeria, se gradua la primera mujer medica colombiana y es evidente el progreso en obstetricia y ginecologia. En los siglos XX y XXI, la mujer logra todos sus derechos: conquista la universidad y la sociedad. En las areas de salud es donde sobresale y a partir de la decada de los setenta comienza a equiparase con el hombre en numero de profesionales y tecnicos, que hoy domina ampliamente.  WOMEN IN COLOMBIAN MEDICINE ABSTRACT This historic investigation highlights the participation of women in the context of the history of Colombia, focused on medicine. During the prehispanic times, in addition to taking care of their children and men, also caring for their dangerous motherhood, they were a support for people of the tribe. During the conquest and the colonization, aborigines were almost exterminated, being then replaced by the Mestizo ethnicity. It was when midwives wrote part of the history and dominated the medical scene of women for over 300 years. In the 19th century, the most violent one of the Republic, medicine was discredited: proliferation of midwives, healers and herb-doctors. However, during the last decades this situation changed: the profession of nursing was structured, the first Colombian female physician graduated and the progress of obstetrics and gynecology became evident. By the 20th and 21st centuries, women reach all their rights: they conquer university and society. It is in health areas where they excel, and starting in the seventies match men in number of professionals and technicians, number which nowadays they have surpassed.
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