3-boyutlu Lorentz-Minkowski uzayında bour teoremi ve konformal dönüşüm

Bu tez alti bolumden olusmaktadir. Ilk bolum giris kismina ayrilmistir. Ikinci bolumde, Oklid uzayinda helisoidal, donel ve spiral yuzeylerle ilgili karakterizasyonlar verilmistir. Ucuncu bolumde, Lorentz-Minkowski uzayinda helisoidal, donel ve spiral yuzeylerle ilgili karakterizasyonlar verilmistir. Dorduncu bolumde, Oklid uzayinda Bour teoremi konformal acidan incelenmistir. Besinci bolumde, helisoidal, donel ve spiral yuzeyler arasindaki iliski verilmistir. Altinci bolumde, Lorentz-Minkowski uzayinda Bour teoremi konformal acidan incelenmistir.AbstractThis thesis consists of six chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the introduction. The second chapter, the characterizations of helicoidal, rotational and spiral surfaces in Euclidean space are given. The third chapter, the characterizations of helicoidal, rotational and spiral surfaces in Lorentz-Minkowski space are given. The fourth chapter, Bour’s theorem with respect to conformal map in Euclidean space is given. The fifth chapter, the relations of helicoidal, rotational and spiral surfaces are given. The sixth chapter, Bour’s theorem with respect to conformal map in Lorentz-Minkowski space is given.
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